“Koojan hills bull makes $20,000”

The Koojan Hills Angus on-property sale at Manypeaks on Monday was one for the ages as prices hit a high of $20,000 and the sale average surged passed $11,000.
Like in past years, the line-up drew a large crowd of prospective buyers with ringside grandstands filled to capacity and when the bidding got underway the crowd showed they weren’t just there for a look but they were there to buy and they dug deep into their pockets to secure the bulls they wanted.


All up 72 Angus bulls went through the ring and auctioneer Michael Altus found new homes for all of them, as 41 different buyers purchased them at an average of $11,028, the best ever recorded by Koojan Hills stud and the third best ever record by an Angus stud at a single vendor sale in WA.
In comparison to last year the average was up $3,961 and the stud sold an additional 12 bulls under the hammer.
Nutrien Livestock, Great Southern manager Bob Pumphrey said it was a tremendous result for the Metcalfe family and a credit to their breeding program and presentation of the bulls. “It was a great presentation of bulls right through the catalogue,” Mr Pumphrey said.
”It was a very clean line-up and the quality was there from start to finish and the buyers responded accordingly.
“To achieve a full clearance of the 72 Angus bulls at an average of $11,028 is exceptional.”
The tone for the sale was set early when Koojan Hills Investment Q42 entered the ring at Lot 4. From the moment the 870 kg, Sitz Investment 660Z son stepped foot in the ring it showed off terrific balance, softness and style and the buyers responded with Mr Altus taking an opening bid of $10,000. From there prices rose quickly and finally at $20,000 Investment Q42 was knocked down to return buyers Brett and Chase Edwards, Plain Grazing Co, Beermullah.
Along with Investment Q42 there were another seven bulls to sell at $15,000 or more in the line-up including another Sitz Investment 660Z son, Koojan Hills Investment Q243, in Lot 31, which sold at the day’s $18,500 second top price to repeat buyer Joe Davies, JP & J Davis, Manypeaks.
Happiest of all with the final outcome was stud co-principal Richard Metcalfe who said the family was ecstatic with the sale. “I think we were well rewarded for our better bulls,” Mr Metcalfe said.
“While we are blown away with the final sale figures the thing we were most happy with was how steady and consistent the sale was in terms of prices.
“There were no big highs or low troughs, which was really pleasing and highlighted the evenness of the line-up. We were also very happy with how the bulls presented and behaved in the ring.”

By Jodie Rintoul, Farm Weekly

Lot 4 - Koojan Hills Investment Q42

Lot 4 - Koojan Hills Investment Q42

Lot 31 - Koojan Hills Investment Q243

Lot 31 - Koojan Hills Investment Q243