Raw Data
We’ve compiled a sheet containing all our weight recordings of our sale bulls up until this point!
We weigh every animal at birth followed by a 200 day weight during weaning in December/January. The bulls were then managed over the summer months on hay and silage with an average weight gain across all 200 bulls being 0.31 kg/day until their next weigh in May.
We had an unusually dry/warm winter here in Manypeaks and the bulls benefited from brilliant pastures from July until November with the bulls averaging 1.5 kg/day across those months with the best performer being Lot 15, Koojan Hills Traction P46 who put on 338 kg over that 145 day period at an average weight gain of 2.33 kg/day!
We intend on weighing the bulls the weekend before sale day and displaying the weights on the penning cards!
Please note the weight gains for lots 1, 6, 7 and 8 (highlighted in yellow) are slightly skewed as they were ET calves born in January, well before the rest of the herd began calving in March.