2021 Bull Sale

Welcome to our 2021 bull sale! This year we will be offering 75 bulls at our on-property sale complex on Monday 22nd February beginning at 1pm.

We will again be hosting a field day to enable you to inspect the bulls in a more leisurely environment on Friday 12th February, 1-5pm.

What a vibrant time to be in the beef industry! In particular, the cow/calf producers are reaping the rewards of sticking with the industry. Our season turned around dramatically in August and while many areas are still struggling, hopefully 2021 brings a marked improvement and allows everybody to capitalize on the great cattle market.

Our 2021 line up of bulls have been praised for their thickness and overall carcase shape. It is the area we have been working on and we think that this offering consistently reflects that policy. The bulls have run in three management groups since May 2020. We find that running them in sizeable groups of similar age allows the superior bulls to stand out.

This year we have penned the bulls according to sire lines within their age groups, with the exception of Lots 1 – 9 who were used by Koojan Hills in 2020.

New sire lines this year include Sitz Investment 660Z, S Powerpoint WS 5503, S S Niagara Z29 and Texas Mt Kaputar M100. We have another high quality line of Granite Ridge Kaiser K26 sons to pick from as well as bulls sired by our number one paddock sire, Koojan Hils M35. There are some very good young bulls later in the catalogue by several of our homebred sires.

If you’re in the Manypeaks area during January and would like a drive through the bulls in their paddocks please get in touch - we’d love to have you! 0488468001.

  • Koojan Hills bulls are 100% grass fed

  • All bulls have passed semen testing

  • Vaccinated for Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR)

  • All bulls are BVD negative

  • All bulls have completed the Zoetis STAR BREEDER Program

  • Free of all genetic conditions

  • Koojan Hills is a J-BAS 8 herd

  • Personal delivery free of charge within 1000km of Manypeaks

  • No credits operate at Koojan Hills bull sales

14th November 2020 - 90mm of rain in November allowed the bulls to stay on green feed well into December!

14th November 2020 - 90mm of rain in November allowed the bulls to stay on green feed well into December!

29 December 2020 - The bulls still powering along on dry feed!

29 December 2020 - The bulls still powering along on dry feed!

Chris Metcalfe